The vital signs of Mother Earth have long indicated that humanity is on borrowed time. We can no longer avoid the damage we have caused to the planet. A recent article in the Guardian highlights the damage we have caused. Is the damage reversible? When the world went into lockdown last year, I believed so. […]
We Need To Talk About Western Privilege.
As the world continues to shift and slide, as long-standing issues come to the surface to be healed and released, the current global crisis relating to racism should hopefully lead to society tackling other important issues. Western privilege being one of them. For those of you fighting the good fight against privilege, have you considered […]
What The Camino De Santiago Can Teach Us About The Homeless.
I remember the first time I fully understood that some people didn’t have a home. While on holiday on the Costa Brava in northern Spain as a child, we’d taken a day trip to Barcelona. I saw a man asleep on a cardboard box on the pavement. My nine-year-old brain couldn’t fathom out why he […]
Banksy Strikes Again. The Rise Of A Hero Culture.
Banksy has struck again, my friends, with a little piece in honour of the NHS nurses battling through the coronavirus crisis. His latest piece, “Game Changer,” features a young boy discarding his superhero toys in favour of a model NHS nurse. Banksy donated the work to Southampton NHS Hospital to thank the staff for their […]
Mother Earth Has Spoken. It’s Time To Mend Our Ways.
At the beginning of 2020, like many, I posted a ton of quotes welcoming in the New Year, one of which was “2020 smells like healing, transformation, blessings and success” Little did we know that the healing of the planet and the transformation of humanity would be thrust upon us by a virus that has […]